= my favorite toothpaste
Also, I have a little garden of coleus growing in my house, and have possibly adopted one of Sarah's aloe plants. These are super-easy to care for plants. Still, I usually kill even the "easy" plants. I've enjoyed taking care of these little plants and checking in on them every day. I'm surprised how useful and grounding taking care of the plants has been for me. As for weirdness similar to the toothpaste: Coleus you'll find in the wild is green. We have cultivars of various leaf shapes and colors and they're really pretty. They're not natural. You won't go out to the jungle anywhere and find a pink and apple-green variegated coleus. That's sort of weird to me. But, I'm okay with it.
= my favorite coleus cultivar, popularly named "Freckles"
*Blogging about toothpaste & houseplants is mostly a practice in "it's okay to be boring, and maybe if you write a li'l more often, something interesting will start to shake out more regularly." Thanks for patience.