18 May 2009

I sleep nine to five

Third summer working on Grounds 'round 'bouts the duck pond. I enjoy the work.
My shoulders are sore.
The hours bite: blame the summer heat.
I like watching the sun rise over the mountains, every morning.


  1. Sometimes I like to get to campus before the sun rises, sit in one of those study lounges in the JFSB, and watch the sun come up.

  2. :) That sounds like a very nice way to start the day. Some of those study lounges have fantastic views!

  3. thank you for keeping the campus neat and clean. and also for being brave/dedicated enough to sleep/be awake the hours you need to. from my one term experience of doing something like that-I salute you.

  4. p.s. I sleep 3 am to 10 am. at least you have a solid reason for your sleep habits.
