03 December 2009

Life Transitions

Several of us are approaching life transitions of some sort or another:
Completing a university education ~~~~~congratulations, Austin!
Finishing graduate school
~~~~~congratulations, Rachel!
Embarking on globe trotting expeditions
~~~~~congratulations, Megan!
Flirting with the possibility of new love
~~~~~or so I hear, DareISayWho?
Mourning the loss of once-known love
~~~~~so sorry, TooMany.
Celebrating new life
~~~~~congratulations, Menards!
I'm sure there are many more ~~~~~celebration & sorrow as are fit

As I move through my own transitions, everything seems very abstract. I can't just sit down and sort out everything that is swirling around and inside me right now. Often, I find myself simply stepping back and allowing all of the emotions and events to simply move on their own. It seems like just loosening up and moving with whatever comes is best as long as the ground is still moving beneath me.

Still, there are a few things that hint to a more sure-footed future. Good conversations hold me in the moment. Spending time out of doors, in natural surroundings, consistently lends me a sense of peace.

As you are currently approaching life's transitions, or as you have in the past, what helps most to encourage hope?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops. I accidentally typed it twice.

  3. I've added your blog to my blog list. Let me know if you'd like it removed.

  4. I generally just ignore everything in the future as much as possible. Sorry, probably not the wisdom you were looking for. But good luck!

  5. I struggle with hope sometimes- but then I realize that giving up is a long-term solution to a short term problem. I feel up and down sometimes, but it's the forward push that ensures happiness...plus, while I do not believe that everything is directly inspired by God or is the "best thing" always happens because of our choices, I have to try to believe that there is good in the world- and stuff...so really, I've no idea what I'm talking about . I just imagine a really good future and pretend that I'm invincible as much as humanly possible, and then try to not make any major life decisions when I'm feeling low and confused. Also excitement and new identity helps too. Every time I go through a transition I reach down inside and see what kind of person I really want to be( a constant shift- who I want to be differs with each transition), and then I reinvent myself- which I've done a lot, since I move a lot.

  6. Austin- Hrmm, I think I'm too much of a dreamer to take up that approach. I'll take the luck though :)

    Megan- First off, sure you know what you're talking about! I think the first half of your comment is quite useful, thank you. Not making major life decisions when I'm down is probably a good decision, too. I have a tendency to get itchy feet when I'm frustrated and hopeless. Do the two (itchy feet and frustration) seem connected to you? I wonder if it's a "people who move a lot" thing. I also like the idea of reaching down inside and reevaluating who I want to be.

  7. Thank you, Erin, for the congratulations. Assuming of course that I am the Rachel you are referring to that is finishing grad school. :)

    I am not very certain/graceful when it comes to handling such transitions, so am curious as to what will happen, and where I will be and where I will want to be. One plan is to go to a Carolina. It seems like a good thing to do.

    I like what you said about the outdoors and peace and conversations. I also like you.
