03 December 2009
Life Transitions
Several of us are approaching life transitions of some sort or another:
Completing a university education ~~~~~congratulations, Austin!
Finishing graduate school ~~~~~congratulations, Rachel!
Embarking on globe trotting expeditions ~~~~~congratulations, Megan!
Flirting with the possibility of new love ~~~~~or so I hear, DareISayWho?
Mourning the loss of once-known love ~~~~~so sorry, TooMany.
Celebrating new life ~~~~~congratulations, Menards!
I'm sure there are many more ~~~~~celebration & sorrow as are fit
As I move through my own transitions, everything seems very abstract. I can't just sit down and sort out everything that is swirling around and inside me right now. Often, I find myself simply stepping back and allowing all of the emotions and events to simply move on their own. It seems like just loosening up and moving with whatever comes is best as long as the ground is still moving beneath me.
As you are currently approaching life's transitions, or as you have in the past, what helps most to encourage hope?
11 November 2009

Beans are beautiful and tasty. I turned these beans into taco soup that was oh-so-filling. I was more than happy to eat the leftovers all the following week. I like Autumn because it means I start cooking soups again.

As soon as I got my car, I headed off to drive the Nebo Loop. Even in the desert, we can get a taste of Fall colors,

and Fall cattle,

and Fall deer,

and Fall views.

Also, this once-a-leaf-pile is now-a-compost-heap that I am very excited about. Bring me your food scraps and I shall return them to the Earth. Autumn helped make this possible, too. ::nod::

I am off and away on my new adventure to appreciate cooler weather. Don't you think?
14 October 2009
06 October 2009
art helps
I am nearing the end of a frustrating, lonely, two weeks.
06 July 2009
27 June 2009
Sing Songs
I have a hard time learning songs. I can't just listen to a song and then know it by heart. I've got to write down the lyrics, play the song and sing it back, and repeat and repeat and repeat. Thus, I know few songs by heart. However, I enjoy singing to myself while at work. Particularly, I enjoy singing to myself while picking up litter or pruning flowers or performing other early morning lone-lily tasks. The two songs I know by heart are "Blue Caravan" by Vienna Teng and "Sunny Road" by Emiliani Torrini. I'll pick around at other songs while working, but those are the only two I know beginning to end. They are lovely songs, but I would like to add a few more, and perhaps even add a few that don't deal with wanderlust. Those in italics are the ones I would most like to learn.
What songs do you enjoy singing to yourself?
"A-Tisket A-Tasket" Ella Fitzgerald
"Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" Looking Glass
"Chim Chim Chiree" Mary Poppins
"Fly Me to the Moon" Sinatra
"God Bless the Child" Billie Holiday
"Good Morning!" Singing in the Rain
"Here Comes the Sun" Beatles
"Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" Oklahoma
"Outloud" Dispatch
"Prayer of Saint Francis" Sarah MacLachlan
"Sugarcane" Missy Higgins
"Today Has Been OK" Emiliani Torrini
"Throw Me a Rope" KT Tunstall
"Wagon Wheel" Old Crow Medicine Show
"Weeping Willow" Billie Holiday
"Winter" Tori Amos
"Whale of a Tale" 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
"Wonderful World" Louis Armstrong
"Your Fire Your Soul" Dar Williams
21 June 2009
25 May 2009
Apolitical = Political Neutrality?
And then, my co-workers told me that it was a good idea.
I wanted to cry.
18 May 2009
I sleep nine to five
My shoulders are sore.
The hours bite: blame the summer heat.
I like watching the sun rise over the mountains, every morning.
11 May 2009
Tomorrow is Bike to Work Day in Provo. I would like to work in the mountains.

Beautiful Provo Parkway Trail

I had no idea Mt. Timpanogos Park was so nearby, or so pretty! Let's bike out to the Storytelling Festival together, this Fall.

If you cross the highway at this bridge, just before Bridal Veil, you can head up Squaw Peak Rd
01 May 2009
We can find out together, if you like.